Video Game Reviews: Resident Evil 5 Movie Reviews: Halloween The Prowler Safe Books Reviews: Hellbound Hearts: The Promise Everything Else:...
Short Story: “Santos Del Inferno” Once again, another interesting, but familiar tale in the Hellbound Hearts. I do have to...
Short Story: “Only the Blind Survive” Once again in Hellbound Hearts, we are treated to a story that has only...
Short Story: “A Little Piece of Hell” “A Little Piece of Hell” was a little slice of heaven. Another nice...
Short Story: “The Promise” Sorry for the long delay in posting the final reviews of the Hellbound Hearts short stories,...
Short Story: “Sister Cilice” A gripping origin story about a fan favorite Cenobite. Sister Cilice is a page turner and...
Short Story: “Demon’s Design” If anyone knows how to create a tale that ties in and references the mythology of...
Short Story: “Wordsworth” “Wordsworth” is a departure from the other stories in the Hellbound Hearts collection as it’s more of...
Movie Reviews: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) Dredd 3D Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next...
Short Story: “Mother’s Ruin” Another story and thankfully another great tale that grips the mythology of Hellraiser by the throat...
Short Story: “The Dark Materials Project” I’m probably going to be contradicting every single negative review I’ve wrote the past...
Short Story: “Our Lord of Quarters” Any story that has to unfortunately follow “Orfeo the Damned”, an amazing Hellraiser story,...