Hellbound Hearts: A Little Piece of Hell Short Story Review

Short Story: “A Little Piece of Hell”

“A Little Piece of Hell” was a little slice of heaven. Another nice tale that uses the mythology of Hellraiser, to spin a yarn. Read on for the rest of the review…

The story in this macabre tale from Steve Niles is your basic Hellraiser, but honestly after some of the random and obscure stories we’ve got already, it’s nice to read a classic. It’s about two friends, who live in Hollywood and hear from a couple people about a puzzle box that was just recently sold for $10,000 at a pawn shop. One of the friends, named Gordon, isn’t a nice guy. He’ll cheat, steal and beat the crap out of you to steal whatever he thinks is worth money. So obviously after hearing about the box, they had to find out who bought it and try to steal it. The other friend, Ed, isn’t that nice either, but he’s nowhere near as bad as Gordon. He’s more of a follower than a doer. He tags along with Gordon and they find out that the box was bought by some big shot movie producer. After figuring out where the producer lives, they proceed to break in and get their riches. What they find instead is a bargain that might be to rich for their blood.

I really liked “A Little Piece of Hell”. It takes your basic mythology of Hellraiser and presents you with a nice little tight story, with a truly satisfying ending. The Cenobites described are once again original and disturbing. If Hellbound Hearts has one thing going for it, it’s all the original Cenobites we’re getting.

Never once going overboard and not trying too hard to impress, “A Little Piece of Hell” joins the ranks of the finer stories of Hellbound Hearts. An enjoyable read for any Hellraiser fan.

Rating: 5/5

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