Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation is by far the best movie in the series and the best movie in...
Short Story: “Mother’s Ruin” Another story and thankfully another great tale that grips the mythology of Hellraiser by the throat...
Short Story: “Only the Blind Survive” Once again in Hellbound Hearts, we are treated to a story that has only...
The sequel to the original The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, is considered a cult classic among several horror fans. I,...
Video Game Review: Spec Ops: The Line Movie Reviews: Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III Hatchet II Bad Dreams Act of...
Thank god, Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III is just as good as I remember it. It’s back to the original roots...
Going on just the main themes of the movie, a group of troubled people in a hospital seek help through...
Visiting Hours is an 80s suspense thriller, with a pretty creepy killer, played by Michael Ironside, but does having a...
It’s been forever since I put up a video game review and I apologize for that. Finally, I got around...
Victor Crowley returns to avenge his untimely demise! Starting directly from the last frame of the first movie, but with...
I’m not sure if Act of Valor is trying hard to cater towards the video game crowd, or video games...
Short Story: “Demon’s Design” If anyone knows how to create a tale that ties in and references the mythology of...