Previously on, “From the Mind of Tatlock”…

This was meant to be posted this past Friday, but a busy weekend kept me from making it. So, without further ado…

I want to make sure no one misses out on all the wonderful posts I make during the week, so I decided to round up everything that I posted from a Saturday to a Friday and put it in one post for your enjoyment. So, now if you happen to not go to my site everyday (for shame) and you miss a post, just remember to come back on a Friday and you’ll find everything you need in the entry titled Previously on, “From the Mind of Tatlock”… 

Movie Reviews:

Visiting Hours
Lost Boys: The Thirst
Bloody Birthday
The Sleeping Car

Book Reviews:

Demon’s Design 
The Dark Materials Project
A Little Piece of Hell
Our Lord of Quarters

Everything Else:

Halloween Pitch Animatic

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