Halloween: Resurrection is a movie we didn’t need. Michael Myers is dead, the series is over and most fans are...
Video Game Reviews: Sleeping Dogs Movie Reviews: Halloween II Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers Halloween 5: The Revenge...
My goal for this month, is to get through all the Halloween movies and review each and every one. So...
Movie Reviews: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) Dredd 3D Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next...
It’s been 20 years since Laurie Strode witnessed Michael Myers burning to death. The year 2008 brought us Halloween H20,...
Continuing directly off from the last one, Halloween II strives to give a reason for Michael Myers’ rampage. Does...
When you get the director of Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter, Joesph Zito and special effects makeup artist extraordinaire,...
It’s been a long road getting through all the Texas Chainsaw films, but finally, after a busy weekend of cramming...
You may have noticed that I skipped over Halloween III when doing my Halloween series reviews. There are a couple...
Video Game Reviews: Resident Evil 5 Movie Reviews: Halloween The Prowler Safe Books Reviews: Hellbound Hearts: The Promise Everything Else:...
Safe? Ha! No one is safe when watching this movie. Jason Statham, why do you keep doing the same movie...
One would think that a Michael Bay produced Chainsaw film would be awful, but thankfully, we were wrong and the...