If you crack open The Phantom Cabinet, you better be prepared for a confusing, albeit, incredibly interesting story. Jeremy Thompson...
Those Among Us is probably the best ghost book I’ve read in a long time. I swear, there were many...
After finishing the excellent Alien novelization, the only obvious thing to do, was start right into the next novelization of...
Release: 2013, Pages: 336 As most of you already know, I love the Ian Fleming James Bond novels. I adore...
If you’ve ever wondered what exactly happened at Hadley’s Hope that led up to the events of Aliens, then Alien:...
Today folks I give you two short story reviews from the mind of bobbygw. One is called Breakfast and a...
I was practically rubbing my hands together when I decided to dive into the novelization of Alien, written by Alan...
Release: 1981, Pages: 256 The air is starting to get crisp, the leaves are changing and the screams of babysitters...
I got sucked into the works of Brian Keene, with his book The Rising. Ever since then, I’ve sought him...
The Alien series may be stalled right now, not counting...
Reading the James Bond series of books, specifically the Ian Fleming ones, in a row, is getting to the point...
Release: 1994, Pages: 186 The curse of Crystal Lake and Jason Voorhees continues with Jason’s Curse, book #2 in the...