Nekromantik 2 Blu-Ray/Movie Review

Thanks to the fine folks at Cult Epics, I got my hands on the sequel to Nekromantik (I didn’t love the movie, but the Blu-Ray rocked) and I popped it in last night and checked it out. Once again, much the same as the original, I didn’t enjoy the movie, but man, Cult Epics really knows how to serve up an amazing Blu-Ray, jammed pack full of special features. If you happen to love Nekromantik 2, than this disc is a no brainer.

Product Information 
RUN-TIME: 104 min
AUDIO: Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo, Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround, Dolby Mono

Short nitty-gritty plot description is as follows: A female nurse desperately tries to hide her feelings of necrophilia from her new boyfriend, but still has pieces of the corpse of the first movie’s hero in her possession.

Tatlock’s Opinion: Nekromantik 2 does a few things a little better than the first one. The movie introduces us to a character by the name of Mark (Mark Reeder), who acts as a connection with the audience. He falls in love with our main necrophiliac, Monika (Monika M.) when meeting her at the movie theater; they ended up watching a movie that involved two naked people eating hard boiled eggs. I swear, you can’t make this shit up. However, he can’t quite shake the feeling there is something perverse about her, which given what we are shown about her, he doesn’t know the half of it. He starts to grow concerned with her and it seems the final breaking point is actually the point in the movie where I almost turned it off, the real footage of a seal being skinned and dissected. It’s crude, disgusting and done for shocks. At least Mark reacts with disgust and turns the filth off, but sadly, we have to endure minutes of this useless footage.

The director, Jörg Buttgereit, describes this movie as less of a horror film and more of a love story and he is right in that regards. It is very much a love story, but one that is full of gross, disgusting scenes, but hey, the movie is called Nekromantik, what were you expecting, Shakespeare? Sadly, because of the focus on a love story and less on the horror, I was a little bored throughout the 104 minute run time. There were a few parts I enjoyed, such as the super quick cameo of the original nekro from the first movie, Betty (Beatrice Manowski). Also, that ending really had some pretty awesome and gory special effects, however, that’s pretty much all I enjoyed. I guess making love with the dead is not my cup of tea.

Blu-ray Opinion: One thing that doesn’t disappoint however, is the amazing work done by Cult Epics, who bring the fans of this movie an A+ Blu-Ray. The video retains the low quality look and the audio is clean, with plenty of audio choices. Crammed with special features, which range from a making of, music videos, commentaries and complete soundtrack for you to listen to. I’ll admit, I do enjoy the theme of the movie. If you’re a fan, you can’t go wrong with this disc. It’s a love letter to the fans.

Blu-Ray Special Features:

  • New Director’s Approved HD transfer (taken from the original 16mm negative)
  • New Introduction by Jorg Buttgereit (2014)
  • Audio Commentary by Jorg Buttgereit, co-author Franz Rodenkirchen, and actors Monika M. and Mark Reeder
  • The Making of Nekromantik 2
  • Still Photo Gallery
  • JB Trailers
  • Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
  • Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (2011) Live
  • 20th Anniversary Live Concert performed by Monika M. and Friends – Video (2011)
  • A Moment of Silence At the Grave of Ed Gein, Short film by Jorg Buttgereit (2012)
  • Half Girl Lemmy, I’m A Feminist, Music video by Jorg Buttgereit (2014)
  • LIMITED EDITION 5000 (BD) Copies
  • Includes Nekromantik 2 Collectible Artwork by Johnny Ryan & Nekrophilia photo of Monika M.

Verdict: I didn’t like the movie, but that doesn’t mean other people won’t. I myself hardly found anything redeeming in the film, but I can see why some may enjoy this cult classic. Cult Epics knows this, so they put their heart and soul into giving you yet another triple A release. Pick it up today if you love the movie.


As was the first movie, this rating is for fans of the movie and Blu-Ray.
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