Very Busy! New Project on the Go! Making Movie Magic!

I’ve been very busy lately, hence the lack of new content on my sites. The reason behind the nothingness, is I’ve teamed up with some friends to start work on a short film; we technically started in January, but it’s only now that things have really geared up, as we are now going through the heavy stages of pre-production. The script is written, the story boards are being done (very long process) and the actors and actresses have been auditioned. If you’re interested in seeing the progress of our project, you can visit the official Facebook page for our production company, Night of Terror Films. Be sure to give the page a like while you’re there.

As for my sites, I’ve still been watching horror movies lately and I’ll be sure to find some time in the near future to write up a review for them. Look for those in the next couple days. Stick with me folks, things are about to get crazy!

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