The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) Movie Review

The saw is family and this family is dysfunctional, deranged and completely insane. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a classic film, with several sequels and a remake (which was actually pretty darn good) and after giving it a watch tonight, I can say it still holds up to this day as a crazy trip. Let’s cut our teeth on this review by reading on…

Short nitty-gritty plot description from IMDb is as follows: Five friends visiting their grandpa’s old house are hunted down and terrorized by a chainsaw wielding killer and his family of grave-robbing cannibals.



Even though The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a classic film and everyone and your grandmother knows who Leatherface is, it’s still a film that requires a certain taste. It’s loud, abrasive and completely insane. The story is thin, but simplistic and going by name only, you should know what you’re getting into to. I first watched this movie on VHS several, several years ago. The tape was way too dark (although the film is naturally dark) and I couldn’t make out a damn thing. All I got was screaming and the sound of a chainsaw. So, as you can see, my first experience was not a good one and I thought the film was not that great. After a few years and a much better copy of the film, I can truly say that I adore it.


People’s opinion on the acting is probably all over the place on whether they like it or not. I think everyone did a fantastic job. I enjoyed the entire insane Sawyer family. Everyone of them will put you on edge and make you think that Tobe Hopper (director) just turned the camera on a real cannibalistic clan and said “action!” I really think the star of the film is Marilyn Burns. She was put through hell and came out screaming/laughing and sold the terror she was being succumbed to.

I love the music in this movie. Although I don’t think it should be called music. It’s more of a bunch of different sounds pieced together to create an uneasy tension, which escalates as the movie continues. The cinematography is dirty and edgy. I think the best thing going for it, is TCM’s low budget, which helps create a feeling of realness, something which is lacking in big budget horror films nowadays.


Beautiful cinematography

Conclusion time! The saw truly is family and everyone involved in this film acted like a family and made something that will last a lifetime. It’s an acquired taste for sure, but the gritty, low budget quality is endearing and something you can’t quite experience anymore. I wish I was old enough to have seen this film in theatre (like my parents), I think it would’ve been a blast to get caught up in the buzz.


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12 years ago

Is there a Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie where they work at a radio station (or something like that)? And the last survivor waves a chainsaw around on the roof? If yes, then I have seen that one… If no, then I made it up. Haha!

3 years ago

[…] draw at the box office. What began in the late 70s with titles like Halloween, Black Christmas, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre had quickly grown into an unstoppable, cinematic force. Soon enough, it would seem that absolutely […]

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