I’m going to be quick and short with this review. I’ve already reviewed the film Fender Bender when it premiered on...
When was the last great Brian De Palma movie? Was it Mission Impossible? Maybe. Was it Snake Eyes? Uh, no....
The Return of the Living Dead Blu-ray from Scream Factory is perfect in my book.
Bad Moon is a worthwhile purchase, with solid video and special features on the Scream Factory Blu-ray.
In case you weren’t aware, I did a horror roundtable with the website The Moon is a Dead World. The...
I am sure that there are some people out there that will be like “What?! Psycho had sequels?” Yes, Psycho...
The Boy Who Cried Werewolf is an enjoyable time waster, but if the price isn't right for the Blu-ray it might be a hard sell.
Jeepers Creepers 2 ends up injecting too much unnecessary humour and pointless characters into the movie. However, the Blu-ray is a must for fans.
Let’s pretend for a second that you are movie maker and you want to make a tonne of money. Oh,...
Genesis 22:2 “And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into...
If you enjoy a dash of boobs, a sprinkle of a story and a great heaping of damn that was fun, Hellhole is the place you want to be.
The Crush is a really fun suspense thriller, that owes everything to the outstanding performance by Alicia Silverstone.