A sick day makes for a Life on Mars and a Witcher on the couch.

UK Life on Mars

Gasp! No entry yesterday? What’s the world coming to? Calm down, everything is fine. I was just out sick, laying on the couch, having hot and cold flashes like some menopausal woman.

Not surprisingly, a day at home sick makes for a great day to watch some TV.  Which brings me to the topic of this entry, the BBC series Life on Mars, which is currently up on Netflix. It’s a murder/mystery police thriller, with some good comedy and fantastic acting from everyone involved.  It also has an interesting twist, which I won’t give away (a quick search online will do that for you). I definitely recommend checking it out.

On the same subject, there was a US remake (also currently on Netflix), which wasn’t as well received and only lasted one season.  However, I enjoyed it and would also recommend giving it a watch, but let it be known that the first few episodes are a direct remake of the BBC series. Also, be prepared to be let down by the series finale.

US Life on Mars

I also got some play time in on Witcher 2.  I’m nearing the end of the game and the review should be up in the next day or two, depending on how long it takes to get through the last chapter.  It’s still a great experience, but after putting in over 30 hours, I’m starting to get tired and just want to see how the story plays out.

Review coming soon!

Max Payne 3 should be arriving tomorrow, and will be the next game that I play. I hear it’s only a 10 hour campaign, so it shouldn’t take too long to get through it (expect a review shortly after).  I’m not much a fan of multiplayer (unless it’s co-op with my brother-in-law), but I’ll give it a whirl and see how it plays.

Well that’s all for now, keep your eyes on the blog for daily updates (unless I become menopausal again).

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