Pumpkinhead (Collector’s Edition) Blu-ray Review

As I’m sure you already know, I actually reviewed the movie Pumpkinhead last year, so I won’t be going into detail again on the movie, as you can always just click Pumpkinhead Movie Review and read it again, as it still applies for this review. Instead, I’m going to be reviewing the newly released Blu-ray of Pumpkinhead, from the wonderful folks at Scream Factory. Chalk full of special features, a wonderful looking picture and some ear-pleasing audio; this Blu-ray is a no brainer…

Product Information
RUN-TIME: 86 min
AUDIO: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0

Let’s get the obvious thing out of the way first, what does it look and sound like? Well folks, you’ll be pleased to hear it looks wonderful, with grain fully intact, with no noticeable compression issues (honestly, I never really notice that issue to begin with) and a choice of two audio options, DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, which is appropriately loud and has dialogue which is easy to hear and for people who like to remember the good ol’ days, DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0. It’s a great looking release and I’m sure any fan of the film will be pleased.

Picture courtesy of Scream Factory Facebook Page

Now, let’s get to the meat of the Blu-ray disc and that’s the special features (full credit goes to Blu-ray.com for the exact time and resolution of each feature):

– Pumpkinhead Unearthed (1080i; 1:03:59) – This feature was on the original DVD collector’s edition release, but it’s nice to see it here in HD. Full of behind the scenes footage and interviews; this six-part feature is bursting with information sure to please the fans.

– Behind the Scenes (1080i; 7:11) – I loved this quick little behind the scenes look at the design of the creature. You get see the grainy footage of the crew building and sculpting Pumpkinhead. Also, seeing Tom Woodruff, Jr. wearing what looked like garbage bags and walking around was a highlight.

– Night of the Demon with Richard Weinman (1080p; 16:29) – Co-writer of Pumpkinhead talks about the beginnings of getting the project up and running and dealing with an editor who trimmed a little too much out of the film. A fun little interview.

– The Redemption of Joel with John D’Aquino (1080p; 14:02) – John D’Aquino, who played the “bad guy” Joel, reminisces about the audition process and his the time on set. It’s a quick interview, but still a lot of fun.

– The Boy with the Glasses with Matthew Hurley (1080p; 14:30).- Billy is all grown up. Matthew Hurley talks fondly of his time during filming and working with Lance Henriksen.

– Demonic Toys (1080i; 4:50) – Basically a short fluff piece for SOTA Toys and their Pumpkinhead action figure, which by the way came out with a horrible paint job.

– Remembering the Monster Kid: A Tribute to Stan Winston (1080p; 49:11) – This is a wonderful new feature, where cast and crew talk about working with Stan Winston and how he was such a great, intelligent man. If there was one special feature to watch, it would be this one. The end part with Brian Bremer (Bunt) really tugged at my heart strings.

– Still Gallery (1080p; 13:39) – Yep, that’s a still gallery all right. Some pretty gnarly shots!

– Theatrical Trailer (1080i; 1:32) – The trailer for the movie you just watched.

– Audio Commentary with Co-Screenwriter Gary Gerani and Creature and FX Creators Tom Woodruff, Jr. and Alec Gillis, Moderated by Scott Spiegel. – Once again, carried over from the DVD, but still very much informative and fun, this commentary is riddled with behind the scenes tidbits and everyone is easy going and thankfully the track isn’t overcrowded. Scott Spiegel is a huge fan and you can tell in his voice he was delighted to be there moderating. I got a lot information out of this commentary and I think if you enjoy the movie even a little bit, you’ll appreciate it even more after listening.

As you can see above, the Blu-ray is filled to the brim with special features. I mean, this is an easy choice folks. If you like Pumpkinhead, pick up this Blu-ray right away. It isn’t overly expensive and you’ll be hours pouring over those special features.




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I didn’t know this until now, but look for Dick Warlock (Halloween II – Michael Myers) at the beginning of the movie. He is the one being chased by Pumpkinhead.

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