Lord of Tears: Things Are Going Great!

Owl Man!

Remember my last entry about Lord of Tears, the supernatural and atmospheric chiller from director Lawrie Brewster and written by Sarah Daly? Well, things are going great for the film, having reached it’s original Kickstarter goal of £6000 in 10 days and has been accepted into the San Diego Comic Fest, where the film will be screened in October. However, the more people the film can reach, the better! So a new goal is set in Kickstarter for £10k ($15KUS). The Kickstarter page is the only way to pre-order the DVD and view the film at present.

The Kickstarter page also features a new trailer for the film, that has won some acclaim, being tweeted by Jim Parrack (True Blood) and Barbara Crampton (Re-Animator, From Beyond), Elizabeth Fies (The Commune) and Signe Olynyk (Below Zero).

This entry doesn’t just have to be all words either, as some new the Owl Man photos have been released and my god this thing is freaking haunting!

Also, check out the creepy as all get out video of the Owl Man, terrorizing people on Omegle.

I hope the makers of Lord of Tears get everything they are looking for and that the film reaches as many people as possible! The Owl Man needs to be unleashed on society! So far though, things truly are looking good for Lord of Tears, scary good.

Kickstarter –https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lawriebrewster/lord-of-tears
Comic Festival Announcement -https://www.sdcomicfest.org/lawrie-brewster/

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