Hump Day Happy Deals Vol. 8

Welcome to Vol. 8 of Hump Day Happy Deals. For previous Happy Deals, check out the past entries.

After the giant Happy Deals post last week, this week has the deals dying down a little and I only have a few older books I bought and one pretty sweet box set deal, that I can’t wait to crack open.


Bought for $3

A quick trip to an older book store, yielded plenty of novelizations of some classic horror movies. The first being The Howling.

Synopsis: Karyn and her husband Roy had come to the peaceful California village of
Drago to escape the savagery of the city. On the surface Drago appeared
to be like most small rural towns.

But it was not.

The village had a most unsavory history. 
Unexplained disappearances, sudden deaths.

People just vanished, never to be found.

Bought for $3

Next to find was The Howling II.

Synopsis: For Karyn it was the howling.
howling that had heralded the nightmare in Drago… the nightmare that
had joined her husband Roy to the she-wolf Marcia and should have ended
forever with fire.

But it hadn’t.

Roy and Marcia were still alive, and deadly, and thirsty for the most horrifying vengeance imaginable…

Bought for $2

The Howling purchases continue with The Howling III.

Synopsis: They are man. And they are beast.

Once again they stalk the night, eyes aflame, teeth flashing in vengeance.

Malcolm is the young one.

He must choose between the familiar way of the human and the seductive howling of the wolf.

Those who share his blood want to make him one of them.

Those who fear him want him dead.

Only one woman and one man want to help him.

Even though they can’t believe their ears. Or their eyes. 

Bought for $3

The terror of the Antichrist continues in Omen IV Armageddon 2000.

Synopsis: Damien Thorn, spawn of Satan, was dead, slain by one of the sacred daggers of Armageddon. Even Father De Carlo, his most brilliant opponent, believed the greatest threat the world had ever known was defeated for eternity.

Only the innermost circle of Damien’s disciples knew of his unnatural coupling with a beautiful, helpless victim. Only they knew of the Son born of that horrific ravishment.

But now the boy was growing up, and already his powers could
be felt… as the globe began to split in savage struggle, and the new
emperor of evil mounted to the throne of hell on earth…

Bought for $2

I have yet to see this series of movies, so I wonder how the book is.

Synopsis: Lenore and Frank Davis
and their young son were a devoted loving family looking forward eagerly
to the new baby. Then one night the baby arrived – a grotesque mutation
– a tiny rampaging aberration that, in the moment of its birth,
slaughtered all the doctors and nurses in the delivery room and
disappeared into the dark. Death followed death in a wave of bloody
terror. Somewhere in the streets of the city a baby was trying to find
its mother.


Now, this one I was really excited to find. It has some real classic stories contained within its pages.

Synopsis: The stories that launched money-making blockbusters. Almost any of the stories is worth the price of the whole volume.

The Reel Stuff
collects thirteen memorable and in some cases award-winning tales from
legendary names in science fiction, fantasy, and horror that inspired
some of Hollywood’s greatest successes on the silver screen, or found
rabid followings as cult classics.

Features the stories that inspired:

Report / Total Recall / The Thing / Johnny Mnemonic / Re-animator /
Candyman / Millennium / Enemy Mine / Mimic / Screamers / Nightflyers /
Amanda and the Alien / The Outer Limits: Sandkings

TV Shows

Bought for $40

The entire collection of Tales from the Darkside! All four seasons for $40. I’m really excited to get this one in the mail, so I can crack it open and start watching them all. I already owned the first season for some time (which I will need to sell now) and you can expect a review of the first Halloween themed episode, Trick or Treat, sometime soon.

Synopsis: Tales from the Darkside is an anthology horror TV series created by George A. Romero; it was released in 1984. Similar to Amazing Stories, The Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, The Outer Limits, Tales From The Crypt, and Lee Martin’s The Midnight Hour, each episode was an individual short story that ended with a plot twist. The series’ episodes spanned the genres of horror, science fiction, and fantasy, and some episodes featured elements of black comedy or more lighthearted themes.

It was a short one and maybe not as awesome as last week, but this Hump Day Happy Deals was still a success in my book. Until next time… 

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Caffeinated Joe
10 years ago

Got some great deals there! The Tales from the Darkside set rocks!

Michael Tatlock
10 years ago

Thanks. I can't wait to watch them. I have all the Tale from the Crypt DVDs and those are so much fun to just watch one after the other.

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