Hellbound Hearts: ‘Tis Pity He’s Ashore Short Story Review

Short Story: “‘Tis Pity He’s Ashore”

The last story in the collection and they decide to end it with this? Seriously? “‘Tis Pity He’s Ashore” by Chaz Brenchley, doesn’t offer any sort of explanation for the events that unfold during this short read and the ending suddenly comes up and before you realize it, the book is over. Read on to find out why this story shouldn’t be read last…

“‘Tis Pity He’s Ashore” is about a sailor who is on shore leave and meets up with an old friend, who runs a shop that collects random antiques and other junk. After getting an old compass with a strange message on it from his friend, he decides to head in for the night and sleep off a storm that’s coming in. While at the hotel, a strange man shows up out of the blue and befriends the sailor. The man helps our sailor decipher the compass and it’s hidden message and after some really weird shit happens, the story ends abruptly.

You know, this story wasn’t that good. It may not be the worse in the collection, but having it be the last one that you read, really makes this one seem worse than it is. I really wish this story would’ve came sooner and maybe than I would’ve liked it a little better. Having said that, I really can’t recommend it.

Rating: 1.5/5

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