Your first ever picture with us!

Dear Tilly, aka Tilly-bear, Tilly-monster, Tillybackribs, The Tillster,

From the moment we set eyes on you at the SPCA, a 7-year-old young spirit, you flashed us those kind and gentle eyes, and we knew right away that it was you that we wanted. We took you for a quick walk, and you always glanced at us to make sure we were still with you, and when you played, you always wanted us to play with you. We took you home, and you immediately lit up the place and brought joy to us all, even the mean spirited cat, which you loved to torment.

I’ll never forget how you would cuddle up with me on the couch and get super annoyed and grouchy whenever Shannon touched you. I’ll never forget how happy you looked when playing, waiting to go in the car, for walks or just waiting for that awesome and yummy day old timbit at the drive thru of Tim Horton’s. How about the time you burst out of the tent door, while it was still zipped up, cause we left you alone in the dark, while we brushed our teeth. I’ll also never forget the amount of hair you shed and how we’ll still be finding clumps of you for years to come.

Most of all Tilly, I’ll never forget finding out you were sick and it was time to let you go gently into the night. I’ll never forget your face as you slowly closed your eyes and I whispered I love you one last time.

You were the best damn dog I’ll ever have, and I look forward to catching up with you in the future and maybe playing some fetch (even though you never returned the ball). Tilly, I’ll miss you forever and most of all I’ll love you forever…

From your best friend, Michael.

Tilly RIP: 2001-2013
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12 years ago

I'm so sorry for your and Shannon's loss! Your letter to Tilly captures her perfectly!

12 years ago

Thanks Karla, it really sucks, but she'll never be forgotten.

Shannon Tatlock
Shannon Tatlock
12 years ago

Thank you babe, for encapsulating everything that Tilly meant to us. She was such a good girl in the short time we had her. Though this heart-wrenching day was brought on much too soon, it will not ever deter me from having a dog. All of the memories we had with her over the past years heavily outweigh yesterday. I love you Tillymonster. You were kind, loving and a gentle spirit. This is not goodbye, this is see you later. xox

12 years ago

Finally thought I was able to read this post without tearing up. Well, I was wrong. But it was a really nice post. Tilly is in doggy heaven, eating treats and taking naps. She's in a good place.

12 years ago

That was a great tribute Buddy & it totally told what Tilly was- an awesome companion & you guys were awesome parents. she was wonderful & she will be missed.

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