– A New Website!

You may or may not have noticed a bit of a lull lately on my website (if you haven’t, I won’t hold it against you). The reason for lacking content is because I’m writing for a new website titled I along with fellow blogger Ryne from have teamed up to create the new site which will focus on all things cult cinema. That means it can cover horror, action, comedy, whatever one considers cult worthy. Just recently I published a review of Victims from Olive Films, and Ryne posted his own Beyond the Darkness review. We also worked on a list of ten cult films worthy of a Blu-ray.

Cultsploitation has become my main focus, but there will always be content showing up on Mind of Tatlock. Anytime a movie has already been reviewed on the Cult website it will appear on here and vice versa. What I am saying is between our three sites, Mind, Moon and Cult, we have all your cinema needs covered.

Basically, what I am saying is between our three sites: Mind, Moon and Cult; we have all your cinema needs covered.

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