Happy Friday the 13th! I really wanted to post something Friday the 13th related, but something that hasn’t been done to death, like a movie review. So, instead I decided to look in to some weird merchandise, for the series we all love to hate and boy, there is some real interesting stuff out in the wild. Without further ado, let’s get this Chop 10, oops, I mean 13 on the go…
#13 – Jason Voorhees Can Cooler

If you gonna drink some beer, you might as well keep that nectar cold, by using the cooling forces of Jason’s bloody mask.
#12 – Jason Voorhees Belt Buckle

Nothing says awesome, like wearing a Jason Voorhees belt buckle.
#11 – Miss Voorhees Halloween Costume

I’ll admit, this is actually pretty damn hot.
#10 – Jason Voorhees Jersey

I… I just don’t know what to say about this Halloween/Wal-mart attire.
#9 – Jason Voorhees Hockey Mask Cap

This is just beyond stupid. First, the top chevron is in the wrong spot and second, it looks more like a Mighty Duck, than a Jason Voorhees mask.
#8 – Official Friday the 13th Lights

Jason Voorhees and Friday the 13th shouldn’t be only celebrated at Christmas time! Keep up these Holiday lights all year around I say.
#7 – Jason Voorhees Hockey Mask Ring

Yo, that’s sum gangsta, bitch.
#6 – Friday The 13th Nike Dunk Sneakers

Michael Jordon won’t have anything on you, if you wear these awesome Friday the 13th Nike Dunk Sneakers.

Why drink from a can, when you can drink in style, with the Jason Voorhees Goblet.
#4 – Jason Voorhees Dog

This is pretty damn awesome and cute, all wrapped up in one package.
#3 – Jason Voorhees My Little Pony

Created by Mari Kasurinen, this My Little Pony Jason Voorhees is to die for!

Let Jason Voorhees keep your data safe, with the Jason Voorhees USB stick.
#1 – Friday the 13th Spitballs – with 18′ Squirting Action!!!

Oh god how I wish I owned these. It’s not everyday that you get to hold in your hands, a Jason Voorhees head and victim head, that has the ability to squirt 18′.
Well folks, that’s it for the next edition of Chop 10 13. I hope you enjoyed all the weird merchandise. There is some really awesome stuff above, mixed with some head scratchers. Do you folks have any other weird stuff to show? If so, leave a comment below.