We’ve all got those movies that we say we’re going to watch and we just never get around to doing. I had several on my list and this website has allowed me to finally bring that number down. Not surprisingly, most of these movies were a blast to finally watch. Now, some of these movies are going to be newer ones and some will be oldies and don’t expect a list of Oscar-worthy masterpieces, as a few are pretty damn cheesy, but that’s some of the fun in watching them. You may end up having seen a few of them before, but if you by chance haven’t seen some of the movies on this list, you seriously should consider checking them out. So, without further ado, let’s start with number 10…
#10 – Dolls – 3/5

A cheap, low budget movie from the 80s, involving killer dolls.
What From the Mind of Tatlock had to say about it: “The dolls are creepy and the storyline is bare-bones and to the point. There are plenty of fun scenes, which are both humorous and creepy (more so humorous, thanks to the acting).”
#9 – The Awakening – 3/5

An effective ghost story, with a silly twist.
What From the Mind of Tatlock had to say about it: “The Awakening, faults and all, is a good ghost story, with some great acting from all involved.”
#8 – Alligator – 3.5/5

A giant alligator, set loose in the sewers of Chicago.
What From the Mind of Tatlock had to say about it: “The movie definitely screams 80s cheese, but in actuality, it’s more than just that. It’s a semi-serious, yet funny take on the giant creature features, that were all the rage back then and doesn’t once stop being awesome.”
#7 – Grave Encounters – 4/5

Poking fun at reality ghost shows, Grave Encounters turns spooky fast.
What From the Mind of Tatlock had to say about it: “Grave Encounters won’t be for everyone, as there is tons of shaky cam and bouts of nothing going on. It also takes a little time to get going, but for me, I loved the setup and the environment of the asylum was superbly scary.”
#6 – Timecrimes – 4/5

A time travel movie, with a stalker twist.
What From the Mind of Tatlock had to say about it: “This is an absolute no brainer for people who love time travel, suspense, a dash of nudity and excellent performances.”
#5 – The Innkeepers – 4/5

A slow-building creepshow, with effective chills.
What From the Mind of Tatlock had to say about it: “If you’re in the mood for a slow film, that builds up the tension to a finale that will turn your hair white, you’ll be pleasantly surprised in The Innkeepers.”
#4 – C.H.U.D. – 4/5

An 80s monster flick, that takes itself seriously and comes out on top cause of it.
What From the Mind of Tatlock had to say about it: “I thought C.H.U.D. was a great film. It downplayed the monsters, slowly offering bits and pieces of information on their existence, the set pieces were varied, with the
sewer settings offering up some tense claustrophobic moments and the story is pretty basic, but the actors help sell the plot.”
#3 – World War Z – 4.5/5

A zombie movie with a globe-spanning story.
What From the Mind of Tatlock had to say about it: “World War Z surprised me in the best way possible. It turned out to be a true zombie experience, with thrills, chills and a captivating story.”
#2 – The Toxic Avenger – 4.5/5

Even more 80s cheese, with Melvin the Toxic Avenger saving the day.
What From the Mind of Tatlock had to say about it: “I seriously ended up loving The Toxic Avenger. Oh don’t get me wrong, the acting is godawful, but it only adds to the overall charm of the entire thing. In fact, there are many things going for it, than against it, such as the amazing special effects.”
#1 – Night of the Creeps – 4.5/5

80s Tom Atkins bliss.
What From the Mind of Tatlock had to say about it: “People dying left and right, slugs exploding forth from heads, Tom Atkins acting like the coolest man alive and an ending that begs for more! How can you not like Night of the Creeps?”
Honorable Mentions (because 10 is never enough)
Bad Dreams – 4/5

Dreams can be killer, especially if the movie echos A Nightmare on Elm Street.
What From the Mind of Tatlock had to say about it: “Bad Dreams isn’t your typical cheese-fest of the late 80s. It has an interesting story with some groovy special effects and gore (although more would’ve been better). The acting from everyone involved is great and the twists they throw your way definitely have you thinking.”
Hell – 4/5

A future world, ravaged by a Sun who has decided it needs to heat itself up.
What From the Mind of Tatlock had to say about it: “I really enjoyed Hell, as much as you can enjoy seeing society fall in on itself and humanity becoming so cruel.”
The Loved Ones – 4/5

A first date best left stood up.
What From the Mind of Tatlock had to say about it: “…it won’t be for everyone, as it does have some pretty intense and gory scenes. Also, the plot will certainly throw you some curveballs, where your only natural reaction is to
proclaim out loud “what the f…”.”
Lovely Molly – 4/5

A downward spiral for a recovering drug addict.
What From the Mind of Tatlock had to say about it: “The story is most certainly disjointed and all over the place, yet feels fitting. This is a ride, and the driver is Molly and as a passenger, the only thing you can do, is witness the downward spiral of poor Molly…”
Another Chop 10 in the bag. So, what did you folks think? Have you seen any of these? Did you enjoy them or hate them? Let me know in the comments section below.