American Reunion is surprising in that it was still funny, but more grownup than it’s predecessors. The humour isn’t as raunchy and the film is low in the nudity department (although you do get some peen and sweet booblage), but enough laughs were present to make this a worthwhile watch. Read on for the quick review…
Short nitty-gritty plot description from IMDb is as follows: Jim, Michelle, Stifler, and their friends reunite in East Great Falls, Michigan for their high school reunion.
In honour of my wife having her high school reunion this weekend (an event that turned up 10 people out of 200), we decided to watch American Reunion. I was expecting the film to throw a bunch of extreme scenarios with tons of nudity and uncomfortable situations (don’t get me wrong, there are still some raunchy scenes that I’m sure you’ll love), but colour me surprised when I was presented with a grown up sequel. I have to give props to the film makers in maturing the series, along with it’s maturing cast. Everyone returns in this sequel, even Chris Klein who was absent in American Wedding, kudos to the writers in acknowledging his absence with a quick line. Tara Reid graces us with her presence, time has not been kind. I have to say Seann William Scott was the highlight of the film, with his returning portrayal as Stifler. You can tell he was having fun being the guy you love to hate.
If you’ve seen the previous films in the American Pie series, not counting the awful American Pie Presents: films, you’ll greatly enjoy the newest entry. Just know, that they seem to have taken a more mature route in their comedy than previous entries. Even still, I laughed out loud enough that I was happy with the film. I was really only let down with the toned back nudity. I demand more nudity!