Howling II (Blu-ray / Movie Review)

I wouldn’t say I’m huge fan of the first Howling movie, but I did enjoy it for it’s special effects and nudity, so you may think I would love Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf, as it’s crammed full of prosthetic effects and copious amounts of a nudity. Well, you would be damn right in guessing that! This movie was a blast! I mean, yeah it’s freaking terrible, with awful acting and a terrible story, but my goodness, is it ever fun! I’ve seen this movie described as werewolf porn, and you know what, that ain’t the half of it…


RUN-TIME: 91 min
AUDIO: DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0


RELEASE DATE: July 14th, 2015


Your Sister Is A Werewolf!

After countless millennia of watching, waiting and stalking, the unholy creatures known as werewolves are poised to inherit the earth. Legendary horror icon Christopher Lee faces off against sexy cult favorite Sybil Danning (Battle Beyond the Stars, Chained Heat, Grindhouse) in this terrifying descent into a world of nightmares that turns out to be all too real!

After newscaster Karen White’s shocking on-screen transformation and violent death (in the original The Howling), her brother Ben (Reb Brown, Yor, the Hunter of the Future) is approached by Stefan Crosscoe (Lee), a mysterious man who claims that Karen has, in fact, become a werewolf. But this is the least of their worries… to save mankind, Stefan and Ben must travel to Transylvania to battle and destroy Stirba (Danning), the immortal queen of all werewolves, before she is restored to her full powers!

Also starring Annie McEnroe (The Hand) and Marsha A. Hunt (Dracula A.D. 1972), directed by Philippe Mora (The Marsupials: The Howling III, Communion, The Beast Within), and driven by a pulsing punk-y soundtrack, this film is a no-holds-barred horror-fest that’ll rip your heart out… and you’ll like it.


Howling II takes place pretty much after the first one. We have Christopher Lee, who looks like he might of been somewhere else the entire time (he must of been getting a big paycheck for this movie,) hunting down werewolves and searching for the queen of the wolves, Stirba, played by the big breasted beauty known as Sybil Danning. Oh, we also have a few other people helping out Lee, one who is a TV reporter, who takes the news of werewolves like it’s an everyday thing, and the other, is the brother of Dee Wallace’s character from the first movie. He basically just wants to shoot everything.

The story has us heading to Transylvania, and fighting werewolves, and witnessing orgies full of hair everywhere. It’s quite the adventure to say the least and it’s one that I want to share with everyone. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen three actors covered in fake hair, rolling around nude and growling at each other. Seriously, haven’t lived.

I don’t want to complain about anything in this movie, cause seriously, this movie is a hoot and should not be taken serious to begin with. The faults make the film and that’s all that matters. Plus, we have a kickass soundtrack, with a song that will get stuck in your head (Howling II Theme) and a credit sequence that keeps showing Sybil Danning’s boobs, over and over again. How can you not love this movie?


Scream Factory gives this movie a wonderful treatment on Blu-ray, with video that is pretty good, with a few scratches and dirt present. It’s nothing that takes away from the movie and it’s definitely not something that is going to stop you from watching it. Also, the audio is wonderfully loud and clear, so you can easily hear that awesome song, all that moaning and growling.

This is one movie you wouldn’t expect tons of features for, but wow, does this have some wonderful features to sit through. My highlight of course was the interview with Sybil Danning, who is looking good to this day. I found the part interesting where she discussed being shocked by the end credits, with her boobs popping out over and over. I am a little disgruntled that she managed to talk them down to only showing them 17 times during the credits. As you can see below, there are several more interviews, behind the scenes and commentaries to spend plenty of your life with Howling II. Awesome!


  • Audio Commentary With Director Philippe Mora
  • Audio Commentary With Composer Steve Parsons And Editor Charles Bornstein
  • Leading Man – An Interview With Actor Reb Brown
  • Queen Of The Werewolves – An Interview With Actress Sybil Danning
  • A Monkey Phase – Interviews With Special Make-Up Effects Artists Steve Johnson And Scott Wheeler
  • Behind The Scenes Footage (In HD – From Philippe Mora’s Archive)
  • Alternate Opening And Alternate Ending (In HD – From Philippe Mora’s Archive)
  • Theatrical Trailer
  • Still Gallery


Howling II is a movie that seems like it was made in some alternate universe, where films existed just to be fun, with lots of nudity and insane stories. Tone wise, it’s nothing like the first movie, but for some odd reason (probably the boobs,) it’s a fantastic time, and I enjoyed it immensely. Scream Factory went all out with the release on Blu, more so than you would think. I can’t recommend this release enough. Go out and buy it right now. When you do, let me know, so we can both howl in the pale, pale light of the moon!


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